Heatstroke is a very serious life-threatening condition that needs immediate medical attention. This condition may occur if your body temperature increases over 40℃ or 104℉. If you notice that someone is having a heatstroke, then do call your nearest emergency care as soon as possible.
What is heatstroke?
Heat Stroke is often known as sunstroke, which occurs when your body warmth increases above 40℃ or 104℉. Although heatstroke or sunstroke mainly affects people over the age of 50 and young athletes, it can also affect anybody at any age. Heatstroke can be very critical, as this can cause brain damage, internal organ failure, coma and even death.
How common is heat stroke?
Deaths due to heatstroke or sunstroke is not uncommon in India. Nearly 90 people have died due to sunstroke in the year of 2022 in India.
What are the symptoms of heatstroke?
One of the most vital symptoms of heat stroke is loss of consciousness. Other symptoms may include:
If you notice someone is having a sunstroke or heatstroke, give them first aid and call the nearest emergency care.
What are the types of heatstroke?
There are mainly two types of heatstroke:
Who may get a heat stroke?
Older age and infants are more prone to get a heat stroke, because their body may not control temperature efficiently. On the other hand, soldiers and athletes are also at a high risk of getting a heat stroke. Apart from that, heat stroke can affect people of all ages.
Here are some risk factors which can increase your risk of getting a heat stroke, which includes:
What are the complications of heat stroke?
The complications of heat stroke can be life-threatening, which includes:
How to prevent heat stroke?
Here are few ways which can help you to prevent heat stroke.:
You can use these precautions to avoid sunstroke because the recent days have been extremely humid. Also, if you are overcoming a heatstroke, then try to avoid hot weather by staying at home and avoid extreme exercises for a few weeks.