Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen - Total test helps to measure both IgM and IgG antibodies in the bloodstream. This test is used to diagnose acute hepatitis B infection and it helps to monitor clinical status of a hepatitis B infected person. Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen - Total test price is Rs. 0.
Sample Type: Blood
List of Tests Included:
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Thyrocare Technologies Limited is India's first and most advanced Totally Automated Laboratory having its strong presence in more than 2000 cities / towns in India and internationally.
Service provided by Thyrocare, the best diagnostic center in India, exclusively for the visitors of Diagnostic centres.
When to get examined?
If your doctor suspects that you may have a hepatitis B infection, or if you are experiencing symptoms of hepatitis B such as
Besides, if you had sex with a hepatitis B infected person, then you need to take this test. Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen - Total (AHBC) test price is low.
Sample collection
A blood sample will be collected from your arm. Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen - Total (AHBC) test book online facilities are available.
Test preparation
Biotin may affect your test result. If you use medication which has biotin in it then you have to stop that before taking the test. Follow your doctor’s instructions.
Result interpretation
Positive or reactive test results indicate recent or acute hepatitis B infection. Negative or non-reactive results mean you are not infected with hepatitis B virus. However, it is better to ask your healthcare provider for a complete explanation of your result. Find an Anti hepatitis B core antigen - total (AHBC) test near you to get your test done.