Full Body Checkup | 74 Tests @ Rs. 799

Full Body Checkup Packages in India

Jaanch - Thyroid Profile Advanced

Jaanch - Thyroid Profile Advanced from Thyrocare


Price: Rs. 0

Jaanch - Thyroid Profile Advanced helps you diagnose thyroid dysfunction and the cause of it. With 8 parameters, the profile evaluates autoimmune disorders, autoimmunity and more such crucial parameters. It contains ultrasensitive TSH that provides higher sensitivity and precision than regular TSH, so any thyroid hormone changes are reported more accurately. For better diagnosis, this profile includes Anti microsomal antibody (AMA) and TSH-receptor antibodies (TRAB). If you experience symptoms like unexplained weight changes, constant fatigue, skin and hair problems, disturbed metabolism, and heat/cold intolerance, book Jaanch - Thyroid Profile Advanced now and get a FREE home sample collection.

Parameter Included:
10-12 hours Fasting Required
Report Time:
24-48 hours
Sample Type
Sample Type:
age group
Age Group:
All Age Groups
Home Collection
Home Collection:

Sample Type: Blood

List of Tests Included:







Booking Procedure:
  • 1. Fill the booking form on right side with Name, Address, Mobile no.
  • 2. Blood/Urine samples will be collected from your Home address. 10-12 hrs fasting is required.
  • 3. You will get a payment link before sample collection. You can also make the payment by Scan QR code at the time of collection or pay cash to the technician.
  • 4. We will email the reports within 24 hrs[For most of the pincodes] on your email address mentioned while booking.

Thyrocare Jaanch - Thyroid Profile Advanced

Book Now, Pay Later

You will get a payment link before sample collection. You can also make the payment by Scan QR code at the time of collection or pay cash to the technician.

If you want to add more tests/packages for the same person(s) then click here to add this package/test to cart, else fill up below form to book.

Thyrocare Technologies Limited is India's first and most advanced Totally Automated Laboratory having its strong presence in more than 2000 cities / towns in India and internationally.

Service provided by Thyrocare, the best diagnostic center in India, exclusively for the visitors of Diagnostic centres.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is a Jaanch - thyroid profile advanced test?

A Jaanch - thyroid profile advanced test is performed to check the functionalities of the thyroid hormone. Generally, the group of tests (T3-T4-TSH) are performed to diagnose thyroid diseases in a person by measuring the levels of these three hormones in the blood.

What is the use of the Jaanch - thyroid profile advanced test?

  • It effectively helps to diagnose any suspected thyroid disease.
  • This test is also performed to monitor the treatment response in people who are suffering from thyroid diseases,
  • Sometimes, this test is also performed for investigating the causes of infertility.

Why do you need this test?

Thyroid hormone plays some of the most important roles in our body and controls some of the most essential functionalities of our organs. From metabolism to mood, so many things are controlled by thyroid hormone. This is the reason why any abnormality in the thyroid hormone production or functionality may turn serious within the shortest possible span of time. A test can help the medical experts detect the presence of thyroid diseases at the initial stage and take necessary actions accordingly as quickly as possible.

Test preparation and sample collection

A little amount of blood will be collected from your veins by a medical expert to perform the test. No specific preparations are required to go for this test.

Result interpretation

TSH levels above 2.0 mIU/L indicate that you are at high risk for growing hypothyroidism. On the other hand, the normal range of T3 is 100-200 nanograms.

What is the cost of a Jaanch - thyroid profile advanced test?

The Jaanch - thyroid profile advanced test cost is 0 rupees.